Interesting to watch the process of making that table…….but did they have to chop down that whole tree just to get access to those few sticks of wood? No windfalls or fallen limbs to use? Seems like killing a whole rabbit to get one (un)lucky rabbits foot!

Filming the stillness of the woods, falling leaves, rustle of a squirrel, babbling creek, movement of the clouds, beauty of a mushroom, chirp of a bird could get across the calm meditation of the wilderness. I must be missing something the film makers intended to convey. I think trees must tremble at the threatening sound of a chainsaw and wonder if they are next. That threatening roar filling the peacefulness of the forest with fear for your life for the making of a mere table.

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Larry, that's a good question.

The tree was cut down on a 50-acre property with a state-registered forestry plan that required regular thinning to promote healthier growth. This was tree is valuable hardwood and we milled the remainder for other building projects.

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Je voudrais savoir comment construire le support pour bloquer le morceau de bois afin d’utiliser la plane?

Un plan de montage!

Superbe prestation en forêt!


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